MOM!!! Hello!
Wow it sounds like you have had a wonderful week!!! Thanks for sharing about our covenants. They are so special and I get to teach about them every single day to those I am teaching. They are special. Also so thankful for the temple!!! I am happy you got to go to the open house. Those have such a special spirit. Also I hope you go to the temple so often. It is such a blessing to live so close to the temple of our God. Wow what a blessing!! GO!!!!!
Jaden is such stud and I am glad he took Jamie. hahaha to MATT ;P My brother got you good!!
Wow this week has really been wonderful and hard all the same time.
Our investigator Marisol came to church again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She is so cool. We were walking with them one night and she started talking to me. She was talking about her little girls and how she loves them so much and that one day they will be grown up and have to find boyfriends in THE CHURCH!! What!?!?!? She is already thinking that. Oh my she is so amazing and her girls are adorable and my friends. I love this family!! They are top notch and will be so blessed. Our other investigator didn't assist. Emerson. His fecha (date) fell. It tore my heart up. I want them to love the gospel like I do and I love them so much that it hurts me when they don't come. But we shall not cease in the work. :) One day!!
We had an awesome ward activity jueves(Thursday). It was a movie night and there was like 20 investigators or menos activos brought by members. It was super legit and our investigator Emerson came and brought a friend. That was super cool.
Saturday was rough. We only ended up having one cita(appt) at like 8:30 at night. But we contacted 43 people. Our goal for the day was like 30 it think. It was cool but a hard day.
So my life has been complete. This last week we found a new family.They are from Colombia so we had to pass the reference off to the Elders but the night we found them we taught them the first lesson. It was funny how we got into there house, the little girl threw the house keys to us and then when the mom came down to get them she let us in to talk. So we had the first lesson of the Restoration and it went well. At one point I was testifying of the Book of Mormon and of prayer and as I finished testifying this lady said "Amen". She amened my testimony!! I got an AMEN!! Haha my life is now complete because of this moment. It was an awesome feeling!! Then she accepted to be baptised. I got to challege her and after we asked why she said yes and her answer blew us away. It is because she wants her kids to follow the right path and to do good and she does too but it was so much better than I can summarize. It was a good lesson!!
Miracle this week. It was such a cool experience. So we had planned to visit Marisol everyday because we have a lot to get through before her entrevista(interview) for baptism. Well one night we went by and no one answered. this was really important night for us to teach. So we went across the street to the family Gualsaqui. They didn't answer either. So we decided to pray, well we were praying that we could find Marisol. Right as we said Amen her sobrina(niece) walked out the door, across the street. We walked over and she let us in. We had an awesome lesson with Marisol. It was a miracle and so cool to be apart of!!!!
So this week has been up and down with the change. I miss Hermana Salas and Hermana Szerdi is awesome. She did just pick up where Hermana Salas left off. But I have struggled still. I was reading in a talk called the 4th missionary. It was given to me by presidente at verifacion. It was a talk given by a mission president. It talks of 4 different missionaries or types of missionaries. The first is disobedient and goes home. The second is disobedient but makes it to the end of there mission. Neither benefit from there mission. The third serves faithfully and does much good but doesn't benefit as much as he could because he withhold his heart and will from the work. He just changes his behavior to go with the work but doesn't do the will of the Father because he wants what he wants more than what the Father wants. The 4th gives everything. His will his heart and all his hopes, wishes, and dreams on hold for the father. Not that he gives them up but he puts them away for now. He consecrates his time in the mission instead of just sacrifices it. He gives his heart to the father and becomes more than just a missionary but a disciple of Jesus Christ. I want to share one paragraph from it.
´´Just give it up. Surrender your will to him. Unconditionally. Withhold nothing. Turn it all over to him; all of your desires, wishes, dreams, and hopes. Be true and faithful in your head and in your heart, not just in your behavior. Trust in Him. Trust Him who knows all things. Trust Him who has all power. Trust Him whose love for you is perfect. Trust Him, who alone suffered, paid and atoned for your sins, and for your weaknesses as well. Trust Him that He will make of you, immeasurably more, than you will ever, ever, in all eternity, make of yourself. He will create of you a masterpiece. You will create of you only a smudge. You will create an ordinary man. He will create a God.´´ (look up this talk)
I know that it is only through the Atonement of Jesus Christ that we can become what we are suppose to be. I know that Jesus Christ is my Savior and Redeemer!! He is everything and through Him we can have a new page fresh and white everyday!! He is all powerful and the creator of all things wonderful!! He loves each of perfectly and will help us through all things. I love Him and try to allow him everyday to shape me into what I need to be. I want to be the 4th missionary because only through allowing to give my heart and will to him will I become all that he needs and wants me to be. I love this Gospel. It is a Gospel of change. Changes of better and becoming more like our Savior. I love it because I can have it and change for the better because of it but still be me!!
I love you all so much!!!! Have a great week!!
Jenika Hermana Hull
Sister Jenika Hull will be serving in the Ecuador, Quito North mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Follow her weekly updates here............
Monday, May 25, 2015
Monday, May 18, 2015
HELLO MOM!!!!! I am so glad that you had a wonderful trip and had lots of fun and a lot of good food. Also I am so glad you made it to the temple in Baton Rouge. I love the temple so much and that is one thing I really miss. I miss going to the temple but it is okay I will go so much when I get home it will make up for the time I missed while on my mission but really there is nothing to make up because the mission is super fantastic and wonderful just like the temple. Just a lot different that is all.
I am glad you got my letters!! I want to send more soon and a package. I will hopefully get that next week but we had cambios this week and so today has been literally insane. But I will get to that in a minute. First other things of this week.
So this week was good. We worked hard and did a lot of good things. We have two investigators with baptismal dates that ATTENDED church yesterday. That is big because that means we are on track with there dates. They have to come 3 times before they can get baptized and so this is a big deal. The one is named Emerson and he is 17. He is super chill and awesome. His mom is less active but is almost a rescatada and that is super legit too!!! It is great. The other is named Marisol Fueres. She is 27 and has two little girls Veronica who is 5 and Zoe who is 2. They are so cute and sat by us is sacrament meeting. She is having a hard time with being a single mom. Her ¨husband¨ or boyfriend and her had lived together on a off for the past couple years and now are separated. She just wants to be a good mom and is awesome. She is keeping her commitments and is a really awesome lady. We found this week. Keep you updated on them!!!
Then this week I had Verificacion. So new missionaries have 3 months training and half way through we all go to Quito to show how much we learned and stuff. So jueves en la noche we left to Quito. We stayed at the house of the enfermera. It was fun cause the other gringos in my group were there and we got to talk. But it wasn't all cause the ones in Quito stayed in there houses. Then they came the next day. So the next day I got to see Hermana Maynez from the CCM. It was so good to see her and talk to her because we are good friends. We talked a lot. We had meetings in the morning and studies. Then they took us new missionaries to a hill above Quito and tell us the story of the dedication for the work in Ecuador. It is so cool and this country is so prepared for the Gospel. I loved hearing the history and the power I have as a missionary to be able to be here and help the people of Ecuador receive the gospel. Man it was legit. Then back to the chapel to grab lunch and head back to good old Otavalo. Mmmmmhhhmmm I love Otavalo it is so much more peaceful than Quito and I am blessed to be born in the mission here.
Another major thing that happened this week were Cambios. They happened last night in the noche. So all day yesterday we were talking and excited. Most the time hijos stay with their trainers for the first 3 months of the mission for training. And everyone thought yea that would probably happen. But I had a feeling something was going to happen. Some of the members did too. Hermana Salas had five months here and a lot of people thought she would leave and they were right. Hermana Salas is in Ibarra finishing the training of Hermana Dorta. I have a new comp, her name is Hermana Szerdi. She is from Southern California and is super chill. She goes home in August of this year so this is, I think her second to last change. She was in Quito in the same ward for 6 months. She is happy to be here and I am excited to work with her. It is hard though, I am in the same sector, Otavalo 2. They split it back to Otavalo 1 and 2. I am in 2. I am the one who knows the sector, the ward, and the investigators. It stinks because we had some other investigators in the other sector that I really loved. So right now I am kind of in charge and am stressed a bit because I feel as if I really know nothing. We planned and she doesn't know the area or the people. I need to be able to talk more because I know the plans of what is going on and I need to help the Elders with the opening of Otavalo 1 because that was my sector before. I feel a lot more responsibility now and don't feel near enough ready for this. Hermana Salas, before she left, was just throwing stuff at me to do that I haven't even heard of and I am just a bit overwhelmed right now. But what I have learned is that change is always happening. You are always changing because if you don't than you are moving backwards and not progressing in the gospel. You have to have change to grow. So I know for some reason Heavenly Father is giving me this responsibility to grow for some reason I do not know. It is hard because I don't speak perfectly and don't understand perfectly. I am definitely not a fantastic teacher. I am a person with faults and challenges but I have grown. I have changed. I want to be better and I know that I am just and instrument in the hands of the Lord. I don't need to be a perfect teacher or understand perfectly. I just need to make sure I have the spirit and follow the promptings because he is the real teacher. I love this gospel. I love the mission and the challenges. I say I love them because I love to grow not because I love hard times that hurt but I know they are needed so that is why I love them. I love my savior Jesus Christ and know for a fact that with Him I can do all things. I love the >Book of Mormon and love the strength I get from it.
I love you!!!!
I love you!!! Have a great week!!!!! Smile and share the gospel!!!!!!
Remember to Pray!!! Always because it is key!!
I am glad you got my letters!! I want to send more soon and a package. I will hopefully get that next week but we had cambios this week and so today has been literally insane. But I will get to that in a minute. First other things of this week.
So this week was good. We worked hard and did a lot of good things. We have two investigators with baptismal dates that ATTENDED church yesterday. That is big because that means we are on track with there dates. They have to come 3 times before they can get baptized and so this is a big deal. The one is named Emerson and he is 17. He is super chill and awesome. His mom is less active but is almost a rescatada and that is super legit too!!! It is great. The other is named Marisol Fueres. She is 27 and has two little girls Veronica who is 5 and Zoe who is 2. They are so cute and sat by us is sacrament meeting. She is having a hard time with being a single mom. Her ¨husband¨ or boyfriend and her had lived together on a off for the past couple years and now are separated. She just wants to be a good mom and is awesome. She is keeping her commitments and is a really awesome lady. We found this week. Keep you updated on them!!!
Then this week I had Verificacion. So new missionaries have 3 months training and half way through we all go to Quito to show how much we learned and stuff. So jueves en la noche we left to Quito. We stayed at the house of the enfermera. It was fun cause the other gringos in my group were there and we got to talk. But it wasn't all cause the ones in Quito stayed in there houses. Then they came the next day. So the next day I got to see Hermana Maynez from the CCM. It was so good to see her and talk to her because we are good friends. We talked a lot. We had meetings in the morning and studies. Then they took us new missionaries to a hill above Quito and tell us the story of the dedication for the work in Ecuador. It is so cool and this country is so prepared for the Gospel. I loved hearing the history and the power I have as a missionary to be able to be here and help the people of Ecuador receive the gospel. Man it was legit. Then back to the chapel to grab lunch and head back to good old Otavalo. Mmmmmhhhmmm I love Otavalo it is so much more peaceful than Quito and I am blessed to be born in the mission here.
Another major thing that happened this week were Cambios. They happened last night in the noche. So all day yesterday we were talking and excited. Most the time hijos stay with their trainers for the first 3 months of the mission for training. And everyone thought yea that would probably happen. But I had a feeling something was going to happen. Some of the members did too. Hermana Salas had five months here and a lot of people thought she would leave and they were right. Hermana Salas is in Ibarra finishing the training of Hermana Dorta. I have a new comp, her name is Hermana Szerdi. She is from Southern California and is super chill. She goes home in August of this year so this is, I think her second to last change. She was in Quito in the same ward for 6 months. She is happy to be here and I am excited to work with her. It is hard though, I am in the same sector, Otavalo 2. They split it back to Otavalo 1 and 2. I am in 2. I am the one who knows the sector, the ward, and the investigators. It stinks because we had some other investigators in the other sector that I really loved. So right now I am kind of in charge and am stressed a bit because I feel as if I really know nothing. We planned and she doesn't know the area or the people. I need to be able to talk more because I know the plans of what is going on and I need to help the Elders with the opening of Otavalo 1 because that was my sector before. I feel a lot more responsibility now and don't feel near enough ready for this. Hermana Salas, before she left, was just throwing stuff at me to do that I haven't even heard of and I am just a bit overwhelmed right now. But what I have learned is that change is always happening. You are always changing because if you don't than you are moving backwards and not progressing in the gospel. You have to have change to grow. So I know for some reason Heavenly Father is giving me this responsibility to grow for some reason I do not know. It is hard because I don't speak perfectly and don't understand perfectly. I am definitely not a fantastic teacher. I am a person with faults and challenges but I have grown. I have changed. I want to be better and I know that I am just and instrument in the hands of the Lord. I don't need to be a perfect teacher or understand perfectly. I just need to make sure I have the spirit and follow the promptings because he is the real teacher. I love this gospel. I love the mission and the challenges. I say I love them because I love to grow not because I love hard times that hurt but I know they are needed so that is why I love them. I love my savior Jesus Christ and know for a fact that with Him I can do all things. I love the >Book of Mormon and love the strength I get from it.
I love you!!!!
I love you!!! Have a great week!!!!! Smile and share the gospel!!!!!!
Remember to Pray!!! Always because it is key!!
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Verificacion in Quito, six weeks into mission |
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Hermana Hull with President and Hermana Richardson |
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Hermana Hull and Salas |
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Juggling as part of a training |
Hermana Hull and Maynez |
Hermana Hull and Salas |
May 11, 2015
It was so wonderful to talk to you too!! I felt so content after. Just like nothing could go wrong :) It was a lot of fun. But next time there will be even more Spanish too!!! :D
Jaden told me you have your trip this week!! I hope it goes well and you have lots of fun and send me pictures!!
Dad you know how at times you say our most wonderfully boring (well not quite sure it is this word) life. About how we have had such a great life where there aren´t many things that go wrong because we are active in the Gospel. Well today I had the opportunity to see how blessed my life is because of that. We were talking with Elder Carr and Elder Canete and my comp asked about Elder Canete´s conversion story. It was super cool but it happened when he was 21 and he went through some things before joining the church. Then she asked Elder Carr. He was born in the church but as he said doesn't live in Utah and so he knows things of the world. He told that he was never inactive but he had friends that weren't members and he saw many things that were horrible and he had to deal with a lot. Then my comp shared her story. She was converted 8 years ago and before didn't make some of the best choices and even after joining went through somethings that were difficult to be active fully in the gospel. But they are all here on a mission which is so great because they are great friends. Well then as we were leaving Elder Canete was like he haven´t heard anything from Hermana Hull. My comp went onto say that she has been a member her whole life, her family is all members and she has always been active through her whole life. This got me thinking how wonderful that is!! Isn't it wonderful how boringly wonderful my life to them is. I have been so blessed to live in a strong active not only in the church but in the gospel family. I am surrounded by wonderful people in my ward that are wonderful examples to me that I love. At school I have friends that share the same standards as I do. That when we have parties there is no junk just a good group of kids having a good time watching a movie or playing night games. I have wonderful parents that are married in the temple that maintain there covenants with God. I have two older siblings that served missions honorably and a younger brother that will serve an honorable mission in years to come. I have many guy friends that are on missions at this very moment working hard on themselves and on helping others come to Christ. I have a best friend named Becca that is my sister in the Gospel that we have tons of fun but also are able to help each other grow in their testimonies. I have other great friends that are active in the Gospel too!! I have had problems but I have always been able to trust my Savior to overcome them. I haven´t had to go through the heartaches of others but I still have a testimony. It is truly wonderful to have boringly normal wonderful life isn't it. I wouldn't want it any other way. Heavenly Father has blessed me everyday of my life to have this lifestyle and I thank him everyday for it. I am so grateful for this and man it sure is great to have you!!! To help me grow my testimony and lead me on the path that leads to this lifestyle. I love you dad and thank you so much for living the Gospel and helping me live the gospel.
I love you and also HAPPY BIRTHDAY THIS WEEK!!!!!!!
Have a wonderful trip. I love you. Be safe. Love you
Your little girl Jenika
It was so wonderful to talk to you too!! I felt so content after. Just like nothing could go wrong :) It was a lot of fun. But next time there will be even more Spanish too!!! :D
Jaden told me you have your trip this week!! I hope it goes well and you have lots of fun and send me pictures!!
Dad you know how at times you say our most wonderfully boring (well not quite sure it is this word) life. About how we have had such a great life where there aren´t many things that go wrong because we are active in the Gospel. Well today I had the opportunity to see how blessed my life is because of that. We were talking with Elder Carr and Elder Canete and my comp asked about Elder Canete´s conversion story. It was super cool but it happened when he was 21 and he went through some things before joining the church. Then she asked Elder Carr. He was born in the church but as he said doesn't live in Utah and so he knows things of the world. He told that he was never inactive but he had friends that weren't members and he saw many things that were horrible and he had to deal with a lot. Then my comp shared her story. She was converted 8 years ago and before didn't make some of the best choices and even after joining went through somethings that were difficult to be active fully in the gospel. But they are all here on a mission which is so great because they are great friends. Well then as we were leaving Elder Canete was like he haven´t heard anything from Hermana Hull. My comp went onto say that she has been a member her whole life, her family is all members and she has always been active through her whole life. This got me thinking how wonderful that is!! Isn't it wonderful how boringly wonderful my life to them is. I have been so blessed to live in a strong active not only in the church but in the gospel family. I am surrounded by wonderful people in my ward that are wonderful examples to me that I love. At school I have friends that share the same standards as I do. That when we have parties there is no junk just a good group of kids having a good time watching a movie or playing night games. I have wonderful parents that are married in the temple that maintain there covenants with God. I have two older siblings that served missions honorably and a younger brother that will serve an honorable mission in years to come. I have many guy friends that are on missions at this very moment working hard on themselves and on helping others come to Christ. I have a best friend named Becca that is my sister in the Gospel that we have tons of fun but also are able to help each other grow in their testimonies. I have other great friends that are active in the Gospel too!! I have had problems but I have always been able to trust my Savior to overcome them. I haven´t had to go through the heartaches of others but I still have a testimony. It is truly wonderful to have boringly normal wonderful life isn't it. I wouldn't want it any other way. Heavenly Father has blessed me everyday of my life to have this lifestyle and I thank him everyday for it. I am so grateful for this and man it sure is great to have you!!! To help me grow my testimony and lead me on the path that leads to this lifestyle. I love you dad and thank you so much for living the Gospel and helping me live the gospel.
I love you and also HAPPY BIRTHDAY THIS WEEK!!!!!!!
Have a wonderful trip. I love you. Be safe. Love you
Your little girl Jenika
Sunday, May 17, 2015
Well It Is Pday!!
May 11, 2015
Wow was it so wonderful to be able to talk to you yesterday. Before I called I was so scared........ sorry but I was.... I didn't know what to expect because well I didn't want to cry I wanted to be happy and love every second but I knew I was going to cry. And I did but it wasn't bad to cry. To be able to talk to you was the highlight of my week and just tell you about Ecuador and then to hear you talk about home!! Mmmmhmmm that was the bomb diggity!!!! I love you so much!!!
Well not much has happened between yesterday and today. After we called we went and with the Elders went to an investigators house and made pizza and brownies. BROWNIES!!!!! like from the US BROWNIES!!! I ate so many :/ but it was worth it. Then went home and slept wonderfully!! After I got up I cleaned and studied and me and my comp talked. Kind of inventory about things that we can do better. That was fun. It is hard to to those in Spanish but now I am able to share more which is nice. Then made some lunch. I made an awesome smoothie!! Then went to the Plaza de Ponchos and bought a few things but not everything. I wanted to send a package home for ya´ll so that will hopefully happen next week and I can get it sent even though it will be late for your birthdays but whatevs you can just celebrate in the middle of November when it comes ;) Then you can look for Christmas next May and then I will be home before your next birthday presents are there! ;) HAHAHA Man I am so funny :P Yeah and then came to write you and I don't really know what to write because I said so much yesterday. But I guess for those who didn't get the pleasure of talking to me I can write a story of last week.
So me and my comp had to go to Quito again. It was for a checkup for me and she had a cita too!! Well after we got everything the nurse told us how to get on a trolley to go to the bus terminal. Well we ended up at a bus terminal.... but it was the wrong bus terminal. That well is not in our mission. So we accidently left mission boundaries :/ #sketchybusiness but we made it back to Otavalo don't worry!!! :) #mylifeinecuador (this is my favorite hashtag right now. I use it in my journal a veces)
Happy birthday dad!!!!! I love you and know that your present will be to you in a while but it is coming!!!!!
Well that is about it for this week.
Luke 1:37. This scripture is short but powerful. I know that this is true that when we have faith in our Heavenly Father nothing, nothing in the world is impossible.
Have a great week!!! I love you so much and am so thankful for your support and the opportunity I have to love you and have you as my mom and family!!
You are the bomb diggity!!!!!
PS This is your mothers day breakfast from me!!
PPS This is me and Hermana Powley on exchanges. We made s'mores!!
Wow was it so wonderful to be able to talk to you yesterday. Before I called I was so scared........ sorry but I was.... I didn't know what to expect because well I didn't want to cry I wanted to be happy and love every second but I knew I was going to cry. And I did but it wasn't bad to cry. To be able to talk to you was the highlight of my week and just tell you about Ecuador and then to hear you talk about home!! Mmmmhmmm that was the bomb diggity!!!! I love you so much!!!
Well not much has happened between yesterday and today. After we called we went and with the Elders went to an investigators house and made pizza and brownies. BROWNIES!!!!! like from the US BROWNIES!!! I ate so many :/ but it was worth it. Then went home and slept wonderfully!! After I got up I cleaned and studied and me and my comp talked. Kind of inventory about things that we can do better. That was fun. It is hard to to those in Spanish but now I am able to share more which is nice. Then made some lunch. I made an awesome smoothie!! Then went to the Plaza de Ponchos and bought a few things but not everything. I wanted to send a package home for ya´ll so that will hopefully happen next week and I can get it sent even though it will be late for your birthdays but whatevs you can just celebrate in the middle of November when it comes ;) Then you can look for Christmas next May and then I will be home before your next birthday presents are there! ;) HAHAHA Man I am so funny :P Yeah and then came to write you and I don't really know what to write because I said so much yesterday. But I guess for those who didn't get the pleasure of talking to me I can write a story of last week.
So me and my comp had to go to Quito again. It was for a checkup for me and she had a cita too!! Well after we got everything the nurse told us how to get on a trolley to go to the bus terminal. Well we ended up at a bus terminal.... but it was the wrong bus terminal. That well is not in our mission. So we accidently left mission boundaries :/ #sketchybusiness but we made it back to Otavalo don't worry!!! :) #mylifeinecuador (this is my favorite hashtag right now. I use it in my journal a veces)
Happy birthday dad!!!!! I love you and know that your present will be to you in a while but it is coming!!!!!
Well that is about it for this week.
Luke 1:37. This scripture is short but powerful. I know that this is true that when we have faith in our Heavenly Father nothing, nothing in the world is impossible.
Have a great week!!! I love you so much and am so thankful for your support and the opportunity I have to love you and have you as my mom and family!!
You are the bomb diggity!!!!!
PS This is your mothers day breakfast from me!!
PPS This is me and Hermana Powley on exchanges. We made s'mores!!
Monday, May 4, 2015
I love the gospel and I love that I am here
Hey Mom,
So this week. Wow what a week it has been. Okay I will start with this and then go to other things.
Part 1 --- The Pain Begins
So all was well this past Monday. We had a great pday I emailed you guys and went on with life. Then Tuesday came. I was feeling good. Study was good and I had a great personal study. Then out to work. We were having fantastic day. None of our appointments fell through. The lessons were great. I was doing more in the lessons and felt really good about what was happening. We then were at a menos activo family and were having a lesson with them. It was The Restoration. Super good. I felt awesome about it. After the lesson was over this family makes t shirts and so our zone wants a zone t shirt. So we were talking to them about it. I started feeling weird. It wasn't quite a stomachache but felt kind of like it. So I asked to use the restroom. I went and it didn't help and the pain kept getting worse and worse. The pain intensified in my lower right abdomen. I was in so much pain. We finally finished up. This family lives Arriba so we were far away from our house. I told my comp and she was like okay lets call the nurse. No answer. I felt maybe the restroom might help. I was hurting really bad and we found a member at home not to far away and I went into the restroom probably for a good 20ish minutes and nothing helped. I finally was like something is wrong. So we left and were headed back to the house my comp was like lets buy something for the pain. So as we walked I was feeling horrible. I about passed out and was super nauseous. We stopped at a pharmacia and told the guy what was up. He asked where the pain was. I told him and he immediately said that is your appendix. So my comp was like to the hospital we go ;) not quite like that. So we headed to the hospital in Otavalo. But finally got hold of the nurse. She asked me about what I was feeling and then said go to the emergencia but not in Otavalo. She doesn't trust that so she told us to go to a clinic in Ibarra which is a solid 20 minutes away.
Part 2-- Ibarra
So we headed home grabbed money and my passport copy and grabbed a taxi to Ibarra. 10 dollars later... we were at the clinic. We headed in and the nurse took my vitals and called the doc to come in. Waited. At this point I was laying down and that helped, so to lighten the mood of my comp I cracked a few jokes. We laughed and that helped both of us I think. Just so you know it is super hard for me to crack jokes in Spanish so this was a good moment for the language ;) Finally the doc got there and did a few tests of pushing on my stomach and such. Well he said that it was probably my appendix but wait 12 hours before to see what was wrong for reals. We called the nurse and she was like okay go home sleep and come to Quito for the tests. Okay. So we went home slept and then got told to be to Quito by 4 for an appointment so I slept the morning away.
Part 3-- Quito, THE HOSPITAL
So we finally headed out to Quito the next morning on a bus. I was hurting pretty good but the pain had eased a bit. We got to the hospital and found the nurse. We headed to the appointment. Got in the doctor did a few pokes a prods and said this was my appendix most likely so go to emergencia because the tests will be faster. So the nurse came with me and my comp went with her comp and we headed to the emergencia. Well we got there took my vitals. Started a IV, took blood and made me use the restroom for tests. I laid there and talked to the nurse. We chatted in English because she is North American and that was nice. Eventually the test results came back. Everything was normal but the doc wanted to make sure so he decided to keep me over night in the hospital to observe me and to do an ultrasound. So the nurse called and told people what was happening and I just laid there. Not in as much pain because laying down helped and the pain was easing a lot. Eventually after a lots of liquids put into my body they did an ultrasound and found nothing but they still kept me in the hospital for the night. They took me to a room and I ¨slept¨ not. I had strange dreams and like every five minutes nurses were coming in. They had a hard time taking blood for another test in the morning so I have bruises on both elbow places and back of both hand,and a Big one from the IV. They finally in the morning were sure it wasn't my appendix so they let me eat after 48 hours of not eating. Crackers and jam never tasted so good. Well they eventually let me go and we made it back to Otavalo about 8:30 that night. Our zone leaders were there with food and helped us with our bags. They are great.
I have to go back to Quito this week for more tests. They are still unsure what it is but they think it is a parasite or something inflamed. So more tests. Also I have a diet I have to follow. Like no MILK.... I bought milk last p-day and cant drink it.
That is the story. But I want to share a bit more.
So after we got back to Otavalo after Ibarra we went and found Elder Carr and Elder Canete. They share our sector but are in a totally different zone and district. But we work with them a lot and have become good friends. They gave me a blessing and that helped me a lot.
What I really want to share is that this experience was super hard. More Mentally than Physically. The whole time even when I was cracking jokes I wanted to be home. I wanted You, mom, to be with me. I wanted my family, I wanted Becca to talk to. I wanted to not be here. The next morning after Quito and getting back I had zero desire to be here. None. I woke up and laid there in my bed and said I am done I am going home. I can't do this. I didn't want to be on a mission. I didn't want to learn Spanish, I didn't want to be sick and I wanted to be home. I got up and told my comp. She immediately said no. We got dressed and went to ask for a blessing of comfort. Then back to the house. My comp listened as I talked in English. I know she didn't understand everything but someone listened. It got better through the day. Prayer, a lot of prayer and searching myself on why I am here. Well I got a blessing and read a talk. My blessing promised me many things that are super special. Like how this is to help me follow God better in my mission, that my family needs me here, that Heavenly Father hopes that i stay and learn to love the mission. And so many other things that i needed. And then the talk. It is called the 4th missionary. It really put things into perspective too. But most of all was you guys at home. My testimony came from the teachings of home. I learned a lot about myself and I don't want to come home. I want to be here. IT is hard especially with this happening. But right now I want to be here. I want to serve the Lord and I won't not. This week has been the hardest of my mission up to this point. I know I am going to have many challenges more in my mission. It is a part of how the mission changes you and makes you better. But I know more now and will work through them. I know I can Trust my Heavenly Father, I know I can trust you will all be okay. I know that I have been called here for a reason and I don't know why yet but I am staying and going to learn. I love the gospel and I love that I am here.
So Skype. I should be calling around 4 my time. Skyping from a members house. Don't know the username but Skype yeah next Sunday at 4ish.
Well we also had some other good things happen like and investigator accepted a baptismal date!!! WOOHOO!!
I love you all so much!!!!!!!!!! I love you mom.
Have a great week and talk to you Sunday!!!
So this week. Wow what a week it has been. Okay I will start with this and then go to other things.
Part 1 --- The Pain Begins
So all was well this past Monday. We had a great pday I emailed you guys and went on with life. Then Tuesday came. I was feeling good. Study was good and I had a great personal study. Then out to work. We were having fantastic day. None of our appointments fell through. The lessons were great. I was doing more in the lessons and felt really good about what was happening. We then were at a menos activo family and were having a lesson with them. It was The Restoration. Super good. I felt awesome about it. After the lesson was over this family makes t shirts and so our zone wants a zone t shirt. So we were talking to them about it. I started feeling weird. It wasn't quite a stomachache but felt kind of like it. So I asked to use the restroom. I went and it didn't help and the pain kept getting worse and worse. The pain intensified in my lower right abdomen. I was in so much pain. We finally finished up. This family lives Arriba so we were far away from our house. I told my comp and she was like okay lets call the nurse. No answer. I felt maybe the restroom might help. I was hurting really bad and we found a member at home not to far away and I went into the restroom probably for a good 20ish minutes and nothing helped. I finally was like something is wrong. So we left and were headed back to the house my comp was like lets buy something for the pain. So as we walked I was feeling horrible. I about passed out and was super nauseous. We stopped at a pharmacia and told the guy what was up. He asked where the pain was. I told him and he immediately said that is your appendix. So my comp was like to the hospital we go ;) not quite like that. So we headed to the hospital in Otavalo. But finally got hold of the nurse. She asked me about what I was feeling and then said go to the emergencia but not in Otavalo. She doesn't trust that so she told us to go to a clinic in Ibarra which is a solid 20 minutes away.
Part 2-- Ibarra
So we headed home grabbed money and my passport copy and grabbed a taxi to Ibarra. 10 dollars later... we were at the clinic. We headed in and the nurse took my vitals and called the doc to come in. Waited. At this point I was laying down and that helped, so to lighten the mood of my comp I cracked a few jokes. We laughed and that helped both of us I think. Just so you know it is super hard for me to crack jokes in Spanish so this was a good moment for the language ;) Finally the doc got there and did a few tests of pushing on my stomach and such. Well he said that it was probably my appendix but wait 12 hours before to see what was wrong for reals. We called the nurse and she was like okay go home sleep and come to Quito for the tests. Okay. So we went home slept and then got told to be to Quito by 4 for an appointment so I slept the morning away.
Part 3-- Quito, THE HOSPITAL
So we finally headed out to Quito the next morning on a bus. I was hurting pretty good but the pain had eased a bit. We got to the hospital and found the nurse. We headed to the appointment. Got in the doctor did a few pokes a prods and said this was my appendix most likely so go to emergencia because the tests will be faster. So the nurse came with me and my comp went with her comp and we headed to the emergencia. Well we got there took my vitals. Started a IV, took blood and made me use the restroom for tests. I laid there and talked to the nurse. We chatted in English because she is North American and that was nice. Eventually the test results came back. Everything was normal but the doc wanted to make sure so he decided to keep me over night in the hospital to observe me and to do an ultrasound. So the nurse called and told people what was happening and I just laid there. Not in as much pain because laying down helped and the pain was easing a lot. Eventually after a lots of liquids put into my body they did an ultrasound and found nothing but they still kept me in the hospital for the night. They took me to a room and I ¨slept¨ not. I had strange dreams and like every five minutes nurses were coming in. They had a hard time taking blood for another test in the morning so I have bruises on both elbow places and back of both hand,and a Big one from the IV. They finally in the morning were sure it wasn't my appendix so they let me eat after 48 hours of not eating. Crackers and jam never tasted so good. Well they eventually let me go and we made it back to Otavalo about 8:30 that night. Our zone leaders were there with food and helped us with our bags. They are great.
I have to go back to Quito this week for more tests. They are still unsure what it is but they think it is a parasite or something inflamed. So more tests. Also I have a diet I have to follow. Like no MILK.... I bought milk last p-day and cant drink it.
That is the story. But I want to share a bit more.
So after we got back to Otavalo after Ibarra we went and found Elder Carr and Elder Canete. They share our sector but are in a totally different zone and district. But we work with them a lot and have become good friends. They gave me a blessing and that helped me a lot.
What I really want to share is that this experience was super hard. More Mentally than Physically. The whole time even when I was cracking jokes I wanted to be home. I wanted You, mom, to be with me. I wanted my family, I wanted Becca to talk to. I wanted to not be here. The next morning after Quito and getting back I had zero desire to be here. None. I woke up and laid there in my bed and said I am done I am going home. I can't do this. I didn't want to be on a mission. I didn't want to learn Spanish, I didn't want to be sick and I wanted to be home. I got up and told my comp. She immediately said no. We got dressed and went to ask for a blessing of comfort. Then back to the house. My comp listened as I talked in English. I know she didn't understand everything but someone listened. It got better through the day. Prayer, a lot of prayer and searching myself on why I am here. Well I got a blessing and read a talk. My blessing promised me many things that are super special. Like how this is to help me follow God better in my mission, that my family needs me here, that Heavenly Father hopes that i stay and learn to love the mission. And so many other things that i needed. And then the talk. It is called the 4th missionary. It really put things into perspective too. But most of all was you guys at home. My testimony came from the teachings of home. I learned a lot about myself and I don't want to come home. I want to be here. IT is hard especially with this happening. But right now I want to be here. I want to serve the Lord and I won't not. This week has been the hardest of my mission up to this point. I know I am going to have many challenges more in my mission. It is a part of how the mission changes you and makes you better. But I know more now and will work through them. I know I can Trust my Heavenly Father, I know I can trust you will all be okay. I know that I have been called here for a reason and I don't know why yet but I am staying and going to learn. I love the gospel and I love that I am here.
So Skype. I should be calling around 4 my time. Skyping from a members house. Don't know the username but Skype yeah next Sunday at 4ish.
Well we also had some other good things happen like and investigator accepted a baptismal date!!! WOOHOO!!
I love you all so much!!!!!!!!!! I love you mom.
Have a great week and talk to you Sunday!!!
Hermana Hull at Hospital in Quito |
Quito |
Back home in Otavalo |
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